Innovation Cell

The Centre For Interdisciplinary Innovation (CII) at Techno India University draws its vigor from a multifaceted pool of intellectual assets, encompassing undergraduate pupils brimming with zeal and fresh viewpoints, postgraduate learners contributing specialized expertise and analytical problem-solving aptitudes, and doctoral scholars driven by a fervor for trailblazing research. Seasoned academics and industry professionals lend their profound subject knowledge and real-world insights, ensuring the Cell's endeavors remain aligned with sector demands.

This interdisciplinary nexus exists to nurture an environment transcending traditional disciplinary confines, fostering collaboration and cross-pollination of concepts. Its raison d'être, or purpose, is multifaceted: pinpointing and addressing pressing industry quandaries, undertaking problem-based implementations driven by practical concerns, embracing synergistic collaboration across engineering domains, engaging in diverse undertakings like industrial projects and product development, and bridging the chasm between academia and industry.

Our Resources

  • The Interdisciplinary Innovation Cell at Techno India University draws its strength from a diverse pool of intellectual resources, comprising:

  • Undergraduate Students: Brimming with enthusiasm and fresh perspectives, these young minds bring a sense of curiosity and a willingness to explore uncharted territories.

  • Postgraduate Students: With a solid foundation in their respective fields, postgraduate students contribute specialized knowledge and an analytical approach to real life problem-solving.

  • Ph.D. Scholars: Driven by a passion for research and innovation, Ph.D. scholars bring their cutting-edge expertise and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge

  • Eminent Professors: Seasoned Academia with a wealth of experience and deep subject matter expertise, our esteemed faculty members act as mentors and catalysts for groundbreaking ideas.

  • Industry Persons: Professionals from various sectors lend their real-world experiences and insights, ensuring that the Cell's endeavors remain relevant and aligned with industry needs.

Workings and Raison d'être

The Interdisciplinary Innovation Cell at Techno India University exists to foster an environment that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, encouraging collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas. Its raison d'être, or reason for existence, is multifaceted:

  • Identifying and Addressing Pressing Industry Problems: The Cell serves as a platform for industry professionals to present and discuss the pressing challenges they face in their respective sectors. This direct interaction with industry personnel ensures that the Cell's involvement remains grounded in real-world problems and addresses practical concerns.

  • Problem-Based Implementation: The Cell's operations are driven by a problem-based approach, where the work undertaken is a direct response to the actual problems faced by industry. This implementation-based research methodology fosters a culture of practical problem-solving and innovation.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Cell embraces a synergistic approach by involving all traditional and emerging engineering streams working in tandem. Just as Computer Science provides the instruction set for a particular problem, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) acts as the connective element, facilitating communication between various units. The Mechanical Engineering department can be likened to the agency responsible for executing physical movements and implementations, and so on.

  • Diverse Undertakings: The Cell's activities span a wide range of endeavors, including industrial projects, product development, consulting services, and the implementation of mathematical formulae in real-life situations. This diverse portfolio ensures that the Cell remains adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing demands of industry.

  • Bridging Academia and Industry: The Cell serves as a bridge between academia and industry, facilitating knowledge sharing, collaborative research projects, and the translation of innovative ideas into practical applications. This synergy ensures that the Cell's endeavors remain relevant and impactful, contributing to societal progress and economic development.

  • Through its unique blend of interdisciplinary collaboration, problem-based implementation, and a deep connection with industry, the Interdisciplinary Innovation Cell at Techno India University aims to foster a culture of innovation, problem-solving, and practical application of knowledge.