Cultural Club

Techno India University is delighted to introduce its Cultural Club, a vibrant platform designed to showcase the diverse artistic talents of its students. The club comprises four distinct components: Singing, Dancing, Drama, and Band. This club aims to foster a passion for cultural activities among students, enhancing their overall development and providing a rich cultural experience. Through various activities, including workshops, performances, fest (Sahotsava) and competitions, the Cultural Club seeks to provide valuable exposure, networking opportunities, and skill development for its members


    To provide Techno India University students a proper platform to showcase their artistic talents and cultural contributions


  1. Skill Development: We aim to provide a platform for students to enhance their artistic skills through workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects across Singing,         Dancing, Drama, and Band performances

  2. Cultural Exposure: We strive to connect students with industry professionals through seminars, internships, and networking events, providing insights into the world of performing         arts and cultural practices

  3. Community Building We are committed to building a strong cultural community within the university, fostering collaboration, and knowledge sharing among students from various         backgrounds.

  4. Cultural Enrichment: We aspire to cultivate a rich cultural environment that encourages students to explore and engage in diverse artistic expressions

Music Club (Swarakriti): Swarakriti, the music club of Techno India University, West Bengal, is dedicated to nurturing musical talent in both vocal and instrumental forms. The club offers a vibrant platform for students to explore and showcase their musical abilities, ranging from classical to contemporary genres. By organizing various events, workshops, and performances, Swarakriti enhances the university's cultural atmosphere and fosters a deep appreciation for music. It plays a crucial role in uniting students through their shared passion for music and creativity.

Dance Club: The Dance Club of Techno India University is a dynamic community with four vibrant     divisions
Nrityksha: This girls-only division focuses on classical dance forms, celebrating traditional rhythms           and intricate movements
Beat Busters: Specializing in Bollywood dance, this division brings the energetic and colorful spirit           of Bollywood to life through its performances
Step Alpha: Open to both boys and girls, this division showcases the dynamic and expressive style           of Hip Hop, encouraging creativity and street-style dance.
Desi Groovers: A girls-only division dedicated to Western dance styles, this group performs with a           flair that combines contemporary and modern dance elements

Drama Club (Dhrubatara): Dhrubatara, the Drama Club of Techno India University, fosters creativity and artistic expression among students. It provides a platform for budding actors, writers, and directors to collaborate and showcase their talent through various theatrical performances. The club not only enhances cultural activities on campus but also nurtures a sense of community and teamwork. With a focus on both classical and contemporary genres, Dhrubatara plays a pivotal role in enriching the university's cultural landscape

Checkmate: the western band club of Techno India University, West Bengal, is a hub for students passionate about Western music. The club provides a platform for budding musicians to collaborate and perform a wide range of genres, from rock and pop to blues and jazz. By organizing concerts, jam sessions, and workshops, Checkmate nurtures musical talent and enhances the cultural vibrancy of the campus. The club is instrumental in fostering a strong sense of community and musical excellence among its members.