Placement Team

With scientists working across a wide range of fields and in a diverse array of roles, There is no single science industry as such. Employment opportunities for science graduates exist in everything from pharmaceutical sales to financial services firms. Though there is no ‘typical’ career path in science, areas in which science graduates commonly find employment include Research and Development (R&D): Scientists undertake R&D work in industry and manufacturing, university research centres and government departments; Exploration: Mining companies employ science graduates to assist with identifying and planning for future operations; Production: Manufacturers often employ scientists to work on processing, testing and quality assurance; Laboratory Support: Scientific researchers and technicians work in laboratories in a range of fields, from health through to forensics, museums and sales; Teaching: Science and mathematics graduates are in strong demand in the primary and secondary school sector; Science Communication: An increasing recognition of the importance of effectively communicating science to the general public has prompted growth in science communication roles. Several universities offer graduate/postgraduate courses in science communication.