
Research Articles:
1. A. Majumdar, T. Debnath, K. L. Baishnab, S. K. Sood, “An Energy Efficient e-Healthcare Framework Supported by HEO-µGA (Hybrid Extremal Optimization Tuned Micro-Genetic       Algorithm),” Information System Frontiers, Springer, 2020, pp. 1-18, DoI: Indexed in SCI. (Impact Factor: 6.191).
2. A. Biswas, A. Majumdar, S. Nath, K. L. Baishnab, “LRBC: A Lightweight Block Cipher Design for Resource Constrained IoT Devices”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized       Computing, Springer, 2020, DoI: 10.1007/s12652-020-01694-9. Indexed in SCI. (Impact Factor: 7.104).
3. A. Majumdar, A. Majumder, K. L. Baishnab, S. K. Sood, “A Novel DNA-Inspired Encryption Model for Concealing Cloud Storage,” Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer, 2019. DoI: Indexed in SCI. (Impact Factor: 2.061).
4. A. Biswas, A. Majumdar, S. Das, K. L. Baishnab, “OCSO-CA: Opposition based Competitive Swarm Optimizer in Energy Efficient IoT Clustering”, Frontiers of Computer Science,       Springer, 2021, DoI: 10.1007/s11704-021-0163-9. Indexed in SCI. (Impact Factor: 2.061).
5. T. Podder, D. Bhattacharya, A. Majumdar, “Time efficient real time facial expression recognition with CNN and transfer learning”, Sādhanā, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 177, 2022. Indexed in SCI.       (Impact Factor: 1.214).
6. T. Podder, D. Bhattacharya, A. Majumdar, "Real time facial expression and gender recognition with feature integrated CNN", The Imaging Science Journal, pp. 1-16, 2022. Indexed in       SCI. (Impact Factor: 0.871).
7. A. Biswas, A. Majumdar, K. L. Baishnab, “COPRAS based Clustering Strategy toward Energy Efficient IoT-Cloud Transmission”, Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical       Sciences, IMCMS, vol. 15, no. 7, July, 2020, Indexed in SCOPUS.
8. A. Dutta, S. K. Borgohain, “Verb Sense Disambiguation by measuring semantic relatedness between verb and surrounding terms of context”, International Journal of Advanced       Computer Science and Applications, Volume 12, Issue2, February 2021. (Scopus indexed)
9. A. Dutta, S. M. Singh, Samir Kumar Borgohain, “Removal of ambiguity of noun using multimodal approach”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 3,       June 2021, DOI: indexed)
10. M.A.A.A. Aman, A. Sarkar, M. Dutt, A .Biswas, “A linear time combinatorial algorithm to compute the relative orthogonal convex hull of digital objects” , Theoretical Computer       Science, Vol. 847, ISSN 0304-3975, pages 103-121, 22 December 2020, doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2020.09.043
11. R. Paul, M.A.A.A. Aman, A. Sarkar, A .Biswas,”Generation of random curve inside an isothetic cover of digital object”, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research,
      Engineering, vol. 44, pp. 3005-3020, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s13369-018-3400-2
14. R. Chakraborty, R. Sushil, ML. Garg, “ICQPSO-based multilevel thresholding scheme applied on color image segmentation,” in IET signal processing, vol. 13, issue 13, pp. 387-395,       2019, doi: 10.1049/iet-spr.2018.5073
15. R. Chakraborty, R. Sushil, ML. Garg, “Hyper-Spectral Image Segmentation using an Improved PSO Aided with Multi-level Fuzzy Entropy,” in Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78,       issue 23, pp. 34027-34063, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s11042-019-08114-x
16. G. Verma, R. Chakraborty, “A Hybrid Privacy Preserving Scheme Using Finger Print Detection in Cloud Environment, ” in Ing´enierie des Syst`emes d'Information , vol. 24, issue 3, pp.       343-351, 2019, doi: 10.18280/isi.240315
17. R. Chakraborty, R. Sushil, ML. Garg, “Mutual-Inclusive Learning-based Multi-Swarm PSO algorithm for Image Segmentation using an Improved Objective Function”, in International       Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 21, issue 4, pp. 483-494, 2020, doi: 10.1504/IJCSE.2020.106864
18. S. Namasudra, R. Chakraborty, A. Majumder, NR. Moparthi, “Securing multimedia by using DNA-based encryption in the cloud computing environment,” in ACM Transactions on       Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), vol. 16, issue 3s, pp. 1-19, 2020, doi: 10.1145/3392665
19. S. Namasudra, R. Chakraborty, S. Kadry, G. Manogaran, BS. Rawal, “FAST: Fast accessing scheme for data transmission in cloud computing,” in Peer-to-Peer Networking and       Applications, vol. 14, pp. 2430-2442, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s12083-020-00959-6
20. R. Chakraborty, G. Verma, S. Namasudra, “IFODPSO-based multi-level image segmentation scheme aided with Masi entropy,” in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized       Computing, vol. 12, pp. 7793-7811, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s12652-020-02506-w

Book Chapters:
1. R. Chakraborty, R. Sushil, ML. Garg, “An Integral Image based Text Extraction Technique from Document Images by Multilevel Thresholding using Differential Evolution,” in Mandal, J.,    Mukhopadhyay, S., Dutta, P., Dasgupta, K. (eds) Methodologies and Application Issues of Contemporary Computing Framework. Springer, Singapore, 2018, pp. 33-47,
    doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2345-4_4
2. A. Dutta, A. Atik, M. Bhadra, A. Pal, Md. A. Khan, R. Chakraborty, “ Detection of Objects Using a Fast R-CNN-Based Approach,” in Das, B., Patgiri, R., Bandyopadhyay, S., Balas, V.E. (eds)       Modeling, Simulation and Optimization. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 292. Springer, Singapor, 2022, pp.295-307, doi:10.1007/978-981-19-0836-1_21
3. A. R. Choudhuri, B. G. Thakurata, B. Debnath, D. Ghosh, H. Maity, N. Chattopadhyay, R. Chakraborty, “MNIST Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” In Das, B.,       Patgiri, R., Bandyopadhyay, S., Balas, V.E. (eds) Modeling, Simulation and Optimization. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 292, Springer, Singapore, 2022, pp.255-266,       doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-0836-1_19

Conference Papers:
1. Dave, M., Sharma, S. K., & Majumdar, A. (2024). Pneumonia detection from chest X-ray plates using an attention-based CNN architecture. In Proceedings of the International       Conference on Security, Surveillance & Artificial Intelligence (ICSSAI-23).
2. M.A.A.A. Aman, A. Sarkar, A .Biswas, “A Shape Retrieval Technique Using Isothetic Cover of Digital Objects”, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of CIPR       2019, Springer, Singapore, Pages 741-749,
3. M.A.A.A. Aman, R. Paul, A. Sarkar, A .Biswas, “Largest Area Parallelogram Inside a Digital Object in a Triangular Grid”, International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,       Springer, Cham, pp 122–135,
4. P. Banik, M.A.A.A. Aman et al.(2023), “Image Segmentation and Medical Image Analysis using Deep Learning and Convolution Neural Network: A Review”, Accepted for publication in       ICSSAI2023, Taylor & Francis International conference.
5. A. Dutta, S. K. Borgohain, Abhinaba Dey, “Removal of Ambiguity of Polysemous Verbs using Latent Semantic Analysis”, 7th International Conference on Computing,       Communication and Sensor Network (CCSN 2018), October, 27th-28th, 2018, Kolkata, W.B, India
6. A. Dutta, S. K. Borgohain, “Determining surrounding terms of ambiguous noun by measuring semantic relatedness between words and images”, International Conference       in Recent Trends on Electronics and Computer Science (ICRTECS-2019),18th-19th March, 2019, NIT Silchar, Assam, India.
7. A. Dutta, Himadri Sekhar Dutta, “Bitstream Authentication Techniques for FPGA Security”, International Conference on Information Technology, 19th -21st March 2007, HIT,       Haldia, West Bengal, India.
8. Dutta. A. et al.(2023), “Image Segmentation and Medical Image Analysis using Deep Learning and Convolution Neural Network: A Review”, Accepted for publication in ICSSAI2023,       Taylor & Francis International conference.
9. R. Chakraborty, R. Sushil, ML. Garg, “A New Objective Function Based Multi-level Image Segmentation using Differential Evolution,” in Springer International Conference on Next       Generation Computing Technologies , India, November 2018, pp.761-770, doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-8660-1_57
10. A. K. Goel, R. Chakraborty, M. Agarwal, D. Ansari, SK. Gupta, D. Garg, “Profit or Loss: A Long Short Term Memory based model for the Prediction of share price of DLF group in India,” in       IEEE Conference on Advanced Computing, India, December 2019, pp. 120-124, doi: 10.1109/IACC48062.2019.8971601
11. R. Chakraborty, S. Mitra, R. Islam, N. Saha, B. Saha, “An Improved Differential Evolution Scheme for Multilevel Image Thresholding Aided with Fuzzy Entropy, ” in Springer International       Conference on Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems, India, April 2021, pp. 37-52 doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-4301-9_3
12. A. Dutta, A. Pal, M. Bhadra, Md. A. Khan, R. Chakraborty, “An Improved K-Means Algorithm for Effective Medical Image Segmentation,” in Springer International Conference on       Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems, India, April 2021, pp. 169-182, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-4301-9_13
13. A. Adhikari, A. R. Choudhuri, D. Ghosh, N. Chattopadhyay, R. Chakraborty, “Breast Cancer Histopatho- logical Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks,” in Springer       International Conference on Innovations in Software Architecture and Computational Systems, India, April 2021, pp. 183-195, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-4301-9_14
14. R. Chakraborty, S. Mitra, R Islam, B. Saha, N. Saha, “A new composite kernel-based classification approach of hyperspectral images,” in AIP International Conference on Innovations       in Software Architecture and Computational Systems, India, July 2022, doi; 10.1063/5.0170589

1. Majumdar, T. Debnath, M. Sathiaraj, “An Improved 360-Degree Sanitizing Machine DUOSANZTM Machining System”, published in Official Journal of the Patent Office, Delhi, with       Application No. 202141007237 A.
2. R. Chakraborty, S. Mitra, B. Saha, R. Islam, N. Saha, S.K. Sen, “Snowboard riding training device”, Indian Patent, 202231065673, November 11, 2022
3. S. K. Sen, I. Kaur, R. Chakraborty, S. Singh, “Automatic container lid opening device” Indian Patent, 202231041402, August 2022
4. N. Saha, M Dhar, B. Choudhuri, P, Das, R. Islam, R. Chakraborty, S. Mitra, S. Das, S.K. Sen, “IOT based smart robotic ARM,” Indian Patent, 202131056286, July 2022
5. R. Chakraborty, S. Bhattacharya, A. R. Choudhuri, A. Goswami, “Method of identification of disease of crops” Indian Patent, 202131055786, July 2022.